This will drastically change your entire life

George Oceans
2 min readJan 29, 2022

I took 6 months off recently. 6 months where I commited to myself and my craft. I said I wasn’t going to work in hospitality or even try to get filmmaking clients. This period of time was for me. But now I’m running out of time or more precisely, money.

Unfortunately the photo above is photoshopped. I’m broke.

I wrote every single day. I now even have a backlog of scripts I’m in the process of producing for YouTube but until last week I was in purgatory.

I was waiting, biding my time, building up my resources and it felt good. But I could have stayed there forever.

My potential wanted to remain just that, potential.

Because if I did I could always be perfect, there is nothing more perfect than a blank page.

But nobody likes people who are perfect anyway.


Look at how popular Batman and Spiderman are these days. And how Superman the godly, invincible man is relegated to Zack Snyder movies.

People want to see imperfections because they are relatable.

So why the hell was I trying to be perfect?


As a writer, filmmaker and editor I could chip away at my films and scripts until there was nothing left.

Or I could just accept that nothing I make is going to be perfect and get on with it anyway. That way over time I will gradually get better instead of remaining stunted at imperfection.

Rick and Morty

Justin Roland and Dan Harmon are the creators of Rick and Morty, you may have heard of it.

Justin is a perfectionist. Dan is whatever you’d call the opposite of that. This is important because together they’ve been massively successful and apart they would likely struggle.

Inside your head are two brains. Not really but for the sake of argument let’s say there is. Traditionally your right brain is creative and your left brain is analytical.

Dan and Justin are extreme manifestations of this phenomenon.

(Justin and Dan are just like the left brain and right brain.)

They have found a balance in their workflow. They allow enough creative ideas to flow through. Enough free association to enter the atmosphere AND they imply enough perfection into their work to create completing, hilarious TV.

We have to learn to do that too.

The One Thing: Commitment

When I decided to upload my first video I got the proverbial ball rolling.

I commited to uploading every week and now that I’ve started there is no going back on that promise.

My left brain and right brain have had their hands forced. They have to work together because my commitment overrides their quarrels.

So to anyone in the same situation:

Make a commitment.

And make it stick.


